American Friends of the International House of Japan


The American Friends of the International House of Japan (AFIHJ) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation with the mission of promoting international good will and understanding by encouraging and fostering active relationships among scholars, educators, scientists, business people and other persons from Japan, the United States, and other nations, as well as educational and other institutions. AFIHJ accomplishes this primarily through supporting the International House of Japan (IHJ), raising IHJ's profile in North America, expanding its membership, especially among next generation leaders, and providing financial support.

The International House of Japan is a private, non-profit organization incorporated, with support from the Rockefeller Foundation and other private institutions and individuals, in 1952 for the purpose of promoting cultural exchange and intellectual cooperation between the peoples of Japan and those of other countries.

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Entrance to the International House of Japan, Tokyo

Entrance to the International House of Japan, Tokyo


The American Friends of the International House of Japan was established in May1986 by a group of distinguished Americans who cared deeply about the I-House. They included Robert B. Oxnan, President, Asia Society; Porter McKeever; Richard Petree, President, U.S.-Japan Foundation; George Packard, Dean, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; John Wheeler, Vice President, Japan Society; Maximilian Kempner, Sherman and Sterling; and Joseph E. Slater, Chairman, John J. McCloy International Center.

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The I-House Garden in Winter

The I-House Garden in Winter

support us

You can support the American Friends of the International House in various ways including nominating new members for the I-House to ensure the next generation of Americans has an opportunity to become part of the I-House community, providing financial support utilized to increase membership, build community among members, and enhance programs at the I-House.

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